Scott Forbes is the author of Finding Truths: Hidden Secrets of the Human Condition That Will Transform Your Life and The World and the upcoming novel Earth Awakens (preview).
Cancel Culture: Why Are They After Religion
A Reckoning is Coming
Panic on Display
COVID-19 and the Occult Sacrifice
Awakening to the Big Lie
Cabal Symbols and the Hidden Language
COVID and the Trauma
Insurrection by the Silent Enemy
Book of Esther and the Corona Virus
Modern Day Priest Class
America’s Political Paradigm Shift
Christmas and the Religion of Mystery Babylon
Beyond the IG Report and Durham
Mankind is in the Grip of a Cult
Hillary and Alice's Looking Glass
Bloodline Families and the Deep State
Pagan Babylon to Vatican City
Fear About Climate Change Still Sells--Greta Thunberg Just Reminded Us
Liberalism versus Anti-liberalism and the Trump Phenom
Who Controls the World and Do They Still Wear the Robes