By now, those of you who have read my book and my blog posts realize that my position, and that of many millions of others, is that the state of our society has been contrived by those who “rule.” In my book, I call these elite and wealthy bloodline families the “managers of society.”
It’s no secret that we have been led to believe a history that is not entirely true—e.g., Columbus did not discover America. Our minds have been conditioned to trust what we are told is the truth by the systems of society, including educators, politicians, and the news media, which, no surprise, are controlled and manipulated by the “managers of society.” If you haven’t figured this out by now, please just stop reading and return to your favorite cable news programming.
Often attributed to Winston Churchill is this quote, “History is Written by the Victors,” implying that history is not grounded in facts, rather it’s the winners’ interpretation of them that prevails. Knowing this, we can either choose to question what we are told and discern the truths ourselves or we can take the easy path and believe what others tell us to be the truth, whether true or lies. We have the free will to make that choice.
The reality is that Christmas did not originate in the Christian faith. Remember, Christianity did not really exist until Emperor Constantine, of the Roman Empire, made it so at the Council of Nicea in 325 AD. The origin of Christmas actually comes from ancient Babylon (as do some other present-day so-called holidays). Christians who celebrate Christmas are, in fact, knowingly or unknowingly, celebrating the birth of King Nimrod as the Sun God. If you are not familiar with Nimrod, he is a biblical figure described as a King in the land of Shinar, and, according to the Book of Genesis and Books of Chronicles, he is the son of Cush, who was the son of Ham, who was the son of Noah (as in Noah of the Great Flood).
The Bible states that Nimrod was "a mighty hunter before the Lord [and] ... began to be mighty in the earth". It was Nimrod (of the Tower of Babel fame) who started the post Great Flood abandonment from God. Nimrod married his own mother, whose name was Semiramis, as identified in Egyptian and Babylonian antiquities. After Nimrod’s death, his mother-wife, Semiramis, propagated the doctrine of the survival of Nimrod as a spirit being.
Semiramis claimed a full-grown evergreen tree sprang overnight from a dead tree stump, which symbolized the springing forth unto new life of the dead Nimrod. Green foliage and trees were heralded as symbols of Nimrod as they signified the rebirth of the Sun. Evergreen trees were decorated to honor Nimrod’s eternal light and leaves and sprigs were formed into the shape of the Sun, and from these practices came the Christmas trees and wreaths we decorate today. On each anniversary of his birth, Semiramis claimed that Nimrod would visit the evergreen tree and leave gifts upon it. We are essentially copying this pagan Nimrod tradition, when we place gifts under a Christmas tree.
Upon Nimrod’s death, he became the Sun God and his birth became celebrated around the time of the winter solstice (our Christmas time). The winter solstice was a time of great celebration in pagan traditions, as it marked the beginning of the Sun’s ascent and new life to come. Also known as Tammuz (god of fertility embodying the powers for new life in nature in the spring), the birth of this Sun god was conveyed and worshipped through carved figures placed in chambers to welcome the next son of the Sun, leading to the nativity manger scenes that still decorate churches and homes around the world at Christmas time.
You might have also read my post on the Catholic Church and their pagan symbolism and idolatry worship even to this day. While it’s easy to see this about the Catholic Church when you just look at the outside or walk into a Church and observe, the Protestants cannot be left off the hook. The Protestant Reformation dispensed with only a part of the Babylonian system of worship. The celebration of Christmas, inherited from the Roman Catholic Church, via Pagan Rome, via Egypt, and via Babylon, is still practiced as the most important event in the Protestant Christian calendar. So, from that point of view, the Protestants are as much into Paganism as the Catholics—again knowingly or unknowingly. Paganism has celebrated this supposed Christian birthday of Christ over most of the known world for centuries, and long before the birth of Christ.
So, why do we care knowing whether it’s pagan worship or not?
We care because the word of God in scripture tells us to not worship false idols and to only worship God. It tells us that we should observe Jesus’ death, and not his birth. So, why are we celebrating Jesus’ birth, if scripture tells us to observe his death? It’s because someone decided, at some point in time, that we carry on with the celebration of a pagan deity—Nimrod—and for a specific reason. It’s a ritual, steeped in "magic," which some of us may know the "why," but many may never fully understand.
That said, the Bible refers to the religion of Nimrod as Mystery Babylon — the mother of false religion. Call it Satanism, the worship of Lucifer, or any other so-called religion that does not follow the God of the Abrahamic religions. Mystery Babylon is the religion that rejected God, post the Great Flood. It is the religion that propagated the evil of incest, sexual excesses, and ritual human sacrifices. It’s the religion that lied to its people, kept them in slavery, and bred corruption throughout Babylon. Yet, it is the religion that some continue to worship today. We see this "religion" playing out in politics, business corruption, human and sex trafficking, sexual excesses, and the moral and ethical degradation of society. There is a reason Jews start their worship on Friday night and ends on Saturday which is called the Shabbat. There is a reason the Sabbath shifted from Saturday to Sunday for Christians--celebrating the birth of King Nimrod as the Sun God.
Knowing all of this, I actually don’t have a problem with having a family celebration on a day called Christmas, as long as we realize its origins and substitute the ritual of celebrating Nimrod’s birth for an opportunity to give thanks to God for our blessings. That said, popular opinion should not prevent those who know the truth from turning away from a festival season steeped in paganism. We are all free to celebrate how we choose.