Modern liberalism contrasts sharply with the traditional understanding of being a liberal. Today, it describes individuals who have been convinced to focus on and accept as truth certain abstract, often academic, and unproven ideas, such as Global Warming/Climate Change. More on this later. If you disagree with the liberal perspective, you're labeled as racist, homophobic, anti-LBGTQXYZ, a climate-denier, or worse, and are often subjected to retribution by authoritarian statists (e.g., banned from Twitter and Facebook). Below are two examples of these abstract concepts.

The ruling wealthy elite have devised and employed unprovable and outrageous concepts to fabricate false narratives, orchestrate crises, and create diversions to obscure their real goals: to increase their wealth and power while exploiting the middle class and maintaining the population in subjugation to the corrupt political and economic systems they control. Surprisingly, the general public appears willing to accept this as normal, and individuals in influential positions, such as our intelligence agencies, are audacious enough to promote and enforce these absurdities.
Returning to Climate Change, many accept the narrative without scrutinizing the financial flows linked to the Paris Climate Accord. Those possessing the "credits" benefit financially, while taxpayers funding the ineffective solutions bear the cost. "Follow the money," as the saying goes. Similarly, consider the financial trail with Ukraine. How much money has the US allegedly sent to Ukraine, a country known for its poor anti-money laundering practices? Follow the money—it likely ends up in offshore accounts for the wealthy elite and their political allies.
Some of these wealthy ruling elite are meeting in Davos this week at the World Economic Forum, plotting the demise of our rights, democracy, and ways to change the very nature of humanity. These people actually think they are doing "good." Now tell me this. Every time you hear Klaus Schwab, leader of the WEF, speak, do you cringe, like he's up to no good?
Whilst doing their "good," these people actually believe they can do whatever they want to do--as in the end justifies the means. They believe they are immune to the societal and legal repercussions. It's much like a gnostic mindset, wherein the believers believe they are god-like, sitting above the common man, but doing good for the common man. Not all at Davos are tuned to this mindset. But, they are willing participants in what the WEF prescribes as the only way forward for humanity.
So, maybe our lives are made complex on purpose by these ruling elite to distract us from what they are doing—‘look over here but don’t look at what we are actually doing.’ Our economy, such as through inflation and high interest rates, and financial markets are manipulated to steal our wealth. Is there any reason that interest on any credit card should be north of 20%? Our political system does not represent the people, but only their wealthy elite benefactors. We can only vote Democrat or Republican, and this is a limitation to making our vote really count, when both choices are bad and corrupt. People actually believe that these wealthy elite are going to allow just anyone to become President, Governor, or Senator--hence why elections are rigged. They've been rigged since before Al Capone. Amazing that people can be so naive. Our healthcare system is corrupted by a pharmaceutical industry owned by these few wealthy elite--look at the lying now being exposed that Pfizer did regarding their COVID vaccine. Lastly, our children are being conditioned to respect these unprovable abstract concepts put upon them by “woke” brainwashed academics, politicians, the media, and yes, woke parents. Who in their right mind as a parent thinks it's ok to take a 5 year old to a drag queen show? It's nuts.
Too many, including really smart people, appear unable to critically think and research for themselves, blindly believing as truths those they are told to believe true by lying politicians, corrupt government officials, so-called experts, and the news, social, and entertainment media. The just released “Twitter Files” demonstrates the extent to which our government and intelligence services have gone to fool us. This is the aggregate unfortunate state of our society--people ignorant, uninformed, and unknowing of the truths of our reality--servants to a powerful wealthy ruling elite.
People think they are paying attention and informed, but they are not seeing enough of the truths to help humanity forward. They are seeing and hearing what these ruling wealthy elite want them to, orchestrated by network and cable news and social media--all controlled and scripted by the wealthy ruling elite.
When the people wake-up to how much they have been lied to and manipulated by unending false narratives and crises, then we can have real societal change and healing. Until then, the ruling wealthy elite and their well paid WEF and other co-conspirators will subject the people to the corrupt systems of society that these elite control. Nothing will change, until enough of the people start seeing the truths for themselves and speak their voice.
So, just remember. The World Economic Forum is a proxy for the ruling elite. You show up at Davos to get your marching orders: masks, lockdowns, vaccine passports, trans-humanism, carbon tracking, etc. It’s where globalists get together to plot and steal your freedoms and wealth. Remember. WEF chief Klaus Schwab in 2022 called China "a role model for many countries." Schwab's role is to make the democratic West more like communist China -- not the other way around. That's why the WEF hopes to sell you on the idea of "owning nothing," just like being a Chinese peasant.
We are maybe 10 to 15 years or one more global pandemic from the point of these globalists achieving their objectives. Don't wait much longer to figure this all out and join the ranks of those brave enough to do something about it.