It seems we've been aware for some time that our government has been taken over, but as a patriot, it's difficult for me to acknowledge it. Biden and others seem to be shielded for some reason, while Trump is pursued relentlessly.
Believing that Biden genuinely received 81 million votes or that our government lacks "black ops" groups financed by illicit money from drugs and human trafficking is naive regarding the depths to which malicious individuals can stoop.
In my view, the takeover of our government accelerated after WWII, with initiatives like Operation Paperclip, when Germans were brought to the US. Prescott Bush, the father of George Bush Sr., is even rumored to have been a German agent.
President Kennedy was assassinated because he was revealing the truth about this takeover. He even delivered a notable speech on this secret society—an enemy corrupting our government.
This might even trace back to the era of the robber barons in the late 1800s, such as JD Rockefeller. These individuals possessed unimaginable wealth, enabling them to bribe everyone in government and gain power through it.
The corruption in our government is more visible to us now because of the internet. We must distinguish truths from lies and real videos from fakes. However, most things labeled as conspiracy theories by politicians and the media often turn out to be he truth. It takes time for lies to become truths, but the truth always emerges.
My unconventional theory is that there are three types of souls on Earth currently: 1) those who easily recognize this corruption and have "volunteered" to awaken others' consciousness, 2) those who are Earth-bound "players" in this "simulation"—some will awaken, but others will remain trapped, 3) individuals without a soul, "programmed" to commit so-called evil acts.
The universe is far more complex than we can comprehend, making anything possible. We might be in a "simulation" akin to the Truman Show or the Thirteenth Floor. Whatever our reality, don't succumb to despair. Enjoy life; it's too short not to.