It’s probably a fair statement that most people have a less than adequate knowledge of history to even recant the supposed events that led to our present day. But, what really is history, but the story the victors have told others to believe as the truth. George Orwell, in his book “!984,” adequately describes how history can either be expunged or revised to suit the purposes of those in control of society.
Understanding the origin of belief systems, relationships between people and organizations from the past to the present, and the correlation of significant events in time are essential to understanding our world today. If we question anything related to “today,” how can we possibly find the answer, if don’t ask “how did we get to this point and why?”
Today, far too many people have a narrow range of perception and don’t even desire to see outside the world they perceive—or are told to believe—as their reality. We have education, TV, social media, and entertainment to thank for that. Adding to this, many people fear or lack any interest in changing anything that they have always viewed as their truth or reality. I often hear: “I just don't care" or “I just don't have the time.”
Every decision a person makes contributes to the overall health of themselves, their family, community, society, and the planet. We can choose to make decisions based on facts, feelings, and even a combination of both. We can be convinced to believe something is true, when in fact it may be false. Our beliefs are guided by our perceptions of right and wrong, and good and evil, which also are significantly influenced by family, friends, and the systems of society, such as education, news media, entertainment, social media, and government.
In essence, all of us are conditioned or “mind-controlled” to believe one way or another, and, to the benefit of those controlling society, often to not think for ourselves. Not thinking for ourselves, frankly, does nothing for the evolution of humanity as a whole or for the individual soul, for that matter.
If we look outside our own worldview, there are many belief systems. Most are anchored to some form of religious principles and practices.
Christianity has existed for almost 2,000 years. Various pagan and polytheistic religions have existed far longer. All one has to do is read the Old Testament and see the many examples of God punishing people and whole societies for their pagan beliefs, including their worship of many gods and their rites and rituals, including human sacrifice.
There are still people today who worship the Egyptian gods of Osiris and Isis, Lucifer, Satan, Ra, Baal, Molach, or a whole host of other gods. Some secret societies, such as the Freemasons, Skull & Bones, and Bohemian Club even base their initiations and rituals on aspects of occult mystery schools, including those of Atlantis, Babylon, Canaan, Egypt, Greece, and Rome.
Many cults exist today that have continued for centuries or even thousands of year. All one has to do to understand this is research the Sabbatean-Frankists, whose decendents are believed to be central to the power of the “Deep State” today and to be the cartel of all cartels, controlling world central banking, intelligence agencies, the media, and most politicians.
If we believe that these ancient belief systems are a thing of the past and are not influencing peoples’ decision and actions today then we need to wake up. True history always gives us a window into the present, and we should never forget this.
The truth is that all societies have been influenced in some way by historical people, their beliefs, followers, organizations, and events that people have influenced or made happen. Most people have never heard of Joacim of Floris (11th century, the Illuminated Ones and the coming of the anti-Christ), Sir Francis Bacon (1561-1626, the theory of New Atlantis and The Great Plan for America), Sabbatai Zevi (1626-1676, the Sabbatean movement and self-proclaimed messiah for millions of followers), Adam Weishaupt (1748-1813, the founder of Order of the Illuminati), Jacob Frank (1726-1791, Sabbatian Frankism), Mayer Amschel Rothschild (1744-1812, modern-day banking and financier of revolutions and the Vatican), Albert Pike (1809-1891, Morals and Dogma of the Ancient and Accepted Scottish Rite of Freemasonry), Giuseppe Mazzini (1805-1872, Grand Master of the Freemasons), Karl Marx (1818-1883, Communist Manifesto), Saul Alinsky (1909-1972, Rules for Radicals), or Manly P. Hall (1901-1990, The Secret Teachings of All Ages).
How many people have heard of groups like the Knights of the Rose Cross, Sovereign Military Order of Malta, Order of the Assassins, Priory of Scion, Knights Templars, Alumbrados, Freemasons, Baconian Circle, Bohemian Club, Jacobin Club, the Frankfurt School, and how their dogma, beliefs and rituals have influenced historical events. The true history of events, like the French and Russian revolutions, establishment of the Federal Reserve and the Council on Foreign Relations, the Bilderberg Group, the Trilateral Commission, Club of Rome, and government programs like Operation Paperclip, Operation Mockingbird, and Operation MKUltra, as well as the creation of the United Nations, the assassination of JFK, and 9/11, have all influenced our present state.
The lasting effects of certain people, their followers, organizations and secret societies, belief systems, and rituals can be traced through time and their impacts—good and bad—measured on societies. Today, we would be better served, if we debated our present state and what to do about the future with much more of a historical perspective and why people believe and behave a certain way—again good or bad. We should never forget that the single greatest tool of those who wish to oppress, control, or, worse, destroy is the ignorance of the majority of the people.