If you didn't learn this in school, Mao Zedong launched the "Cultural Revolution" in China. It began in 1966 and continued until his death in 1976. It is reported that he may have been responsible for 40 to 80 million deaths through persecution, starvation, forced labor, and mass executions—all to further his agenda. By all accounts, the Cultural Revolution was a complete failure.
Mao initially sought input on how to bring positive change to China. Many suggested more freedom of speech and freedom of assembly. Mao compiled a list of those who responded and targeted them for punishment, thus removing potential threats to his agenda. Sound familiar?
Millions of Chinese perished due to Mao's relentless and brutal efforts to create his new China. Anyone who opposed him was eliminated—through execution, imprisonment, labor camps, and enforced famine. Although Americans may not be dying en masse, freedoms such as speech, bodily autonomy, assembly, and protest are under assault by, well, let's call them America's woke Maoists—the so-called liberal left.
Every day, the Biden administration, DOJ, FBI, and government agencies, in collaboration with Big Tech, Big Pharma, and Big Business, reveal their ambition for a "new America" where they deceive, censor, enforce compliance, silence, label people as terrorists, and imprison those who dare to oppose them. The numerous published "Twitter Files" serve as evidence of this reality. The Democrats' "J6 Show" and the individuals still detained without bond as insurrectionists illustrate the lengths they will go to.
It's truly astounding how many people are oblivious to what's happening and the motivations behind it. Many Americans, perhaps due to a lack of historical awareness, seem to accept these Maoist tactics as long as they silence those with opposing views—be it Trump, Tucker Carlson, the 12-year-old wearing a “There Are Only Two Genders” t-shirt to school, or any so-called "anti-woke crime." The situation is nothing less than criminal and insane. One of Biden's appointees even suggested we need an all-electric military. Is she unaware that in war, the first move is often to disable your opponent's infrastructure, such as their electrical grid?
Let's confront the truth. Our nation is dealing with an epidemic of mind control, brainwashing, and mental health issues—and those impacted are unaware, even those who can intellectually distinguish between sanity and insanity.
The path we are on is concerning. Many agree, but few are willing to voice it publicly, fearing backlash from the woke and the threat of being canceled. Our children's minds are being taken over, and our free future is at risk.
Hoping this will disappear is not a solution. Ignoring the problem is cowardly. Following authority blindly is not always the right choice. Those who are truly awake (not woke) must decide what actions are necessary to halt the madness and engage in meaningful change—like voting, assuming our votes will count. Be courageous, speak out, and help end this chaos.